Sunday, July 17, 2011

At home FUN (activities week 2)

Friends.. Hope your weekend is marvelous!

                 We will NOT have class Thursday July 28th... I will be in NYC city... Make up schedule will be on Saturday (other family member allow to come).

There are FREE classes available throughout this summer:
Our Time (18 months-3.5) : Wed  Aug 24th 6:30-7:15 pm (Pajamas class (wear your PJ & bring teddy)
                                            Sat Aug 27th: 10:30-11:15 am.
Village (newborn-18 months): Sat Aug 27th: 9:15-10:00 am

                                              : Sat Sept 3rd: 9:15-10:00 am.

These are FREE Classes... However I need you to email me because space is limited.  You may choose to come to one or more classes :-)  BRING a FRIEND!  if your friend register for fall, you will get $15 credit toward your fall tuition!
Here is a few activities you can do at home this week prior to our class on Thursday :-)

Village (Peek-A-Boo)For Babies 0-18 months

Please review to your activity poster that you have received this week and do activities for week 1.  In addition please use the sign we learned in class: "I Love You" "Up" "Down" with your babies this week!

Sign Language
Introducing signing (sign language) to hearing babies has the benefit of allowing an adult and baby to communicate before the baby’s vocal chords are developed enough to speak. This silent but powerful gestural communication system lessens a baby’s frustration in her still-limited ability to communicate vocally.

Baby Games
Interactive play is crucial for baby’s social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development.  Most baby games hinge on human interaction; they bring babies and their caregivers closer, and make the time they spend together even more enjoyable.

Just as your child needs stimulation and engagement in age-appropriate activities, she also needs periods of relaxation. Help your child learn to calm herself, slow her pace, and relax by creating regular quiet times at home. Slow, gentle music can provide an environment conducive to relaxation.

OUR Time (Zoo Train) 
Please review to your activity poster that you have received this week and do activities for week 1.  In addition please use the sign we learned in class: "Lion" "Elephant" "Monkey" with your babies this week! Important: we are going to finger paint this Thursday!

Sign Language: signing can be an early means of parent-child communication that helps east frustrations children often feel when they are unable to fully express their needs

Vestibular System: the area which controls balance and coordination is stimulated during movement, rocking provides a great opportunity for feeling a slow steady beat and provides bonding experiences with your child
Have  great week everyone!  see you on Thursday! :-)

Ms. Florence
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